I attempted a livestream on Friday night with my microphone in and I enjoyed it quite a bit considering it was really my first good attempt at talking whilst playing live. These were some of the better bits...
Whilst I understand that "livestreaming" is the new big thing and people seem to be doing it a lot but I just can't get my head around it. I get the whole community aspect of it all but I found it very difficult to be talkative generally and to talk to the actual audience.
So maybe I will do it again, I'm not sure but I must admit, I'm not entirely certain on the whole dynamic and whether or not I was actually entertaining.
So as I promised (to those that actually read this page as it has been a dumping ground for animation tests), here's a blog that has been on mind. Since time is going to be scarce with becoming a teacher in Games Design, I thought I would attempt to process some of my thoughts in to electronic scratchings.
A long time ago, I made a video about the top five most annoying game characters that put me off playing. I mean, it was three years ago, my video quality wasn't great (and it still isn't in honesty!) and I ranted about a lot of things. You can see this below with slight spoilers to the game we're about to talk about:
Now strangely enough, one particular game raised its head that was discussed in the video; that being "Metal Gear Rising".
Now, I actually really enjoyed the game itself but I appear to have a built in mechanism that I wish I could just turn off. If a game has a potential bad storypoint or douchebag mechanic that just gets introduced to the story, it makes my piss boil.
"Get over it, you sack of monkey vomit." I hear you say.
"Well, that was rude, and what are you doing in my house wearing nothing but a tea cosy over your nether regions?" I retort back
"I was making you a cup of tea. Milky, milkyyyyy..."
Oh my, what happened there?
But yeah, the final boss battle of Metal Gear Rising is the most unbelievable mess I've seen and it ruins what is basically a good game. Sure, the game itself is a ridiculous fun-filled ride of silly twists and characters that we don't give a fuck about.
It, in it's greatest wisdom, decides to bring back a character from Metal Gear Solid 4 which was Sunny.
"I'm cheerful, intelligent and a total fanny face!"
This borderline asinine fettid character RUINED the experience with the most ridiculous bits of dialogue I have ever seen. The premise behind her character is that she owns and runs an entire business and makes stuff for no reason apart from furnish Raiden with some cool shit.
Then for some odd reason, after all is said and done - and if you didn't watch my video - I will paraphrase the ending with her that just makes you wonder why you bothered suffering through the whole noisy affair:
(Oh and I'll do it in a Yorkshire accent because why not?)
"Here, that Raiden, he were a bad 'un, and he did a lot of bad stuff tha knows. But I knows him, tha knows, and he's a good 'un. In fact, he's a reyt good 'un."
This is something that modern gaming seems to be parading throughout their narrative. It's like someone forgets to put that final bit in to say: "Well done."
Shadow of Mordor, Batman: Arkham Knight, Mortal Kombat X (I know, seems silly) and a host of others over the past two years have been pretty awful.
So why does this sour my experience? Why do I take it to heart?
Because I feel that there's some sort of bond between us Mr. Video Game.
"Oh shucks, really?"
Why yes, "Generic Video Game Box With Nothing In It", I feel that you and I have a bond. It's the age old "We started this so we'll finish it together." I DO NOT EXPECT TO BE PISSED ON AND THEN FOR YOU TO RUN OFF WITH THE FUCKING POSTMAN BECAUSE YOU GOT BORED OF ME.
And it seems to be that we're accepting this as the norm, that it's something we've come to expect and it has to stop! Seriously!
Why should I pay a good amount of money in a job that I really dislike to then play a game that seems to give me the same courtesy at the end.
You may as well have left some money on the bedside table and walked out on me, Mr Video Game, because then we won't be in eachother's lives anymore once it's over.
So yeah, when is it a waste of time? Why can't I just enjoy the game for what it is? WHY DO I TAKE IT SO PERSONALLY?!
Maybe I've been spoilt by some genuinely great narrative experiences. Maybe one day I'll get over it...